
Friday, February 26, 2010

The Education and Technology Club would like to invite you to join us at our social event on Wednesday March 2, 2010 at the Southern Breeze Cafe South Campus from 11-1pm. Refreshments, snacks, music, activities, and some cool workshops! See you there!

Click here to view the flier!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Student Teaching & the First Year Experience

If you missed last Thursday's workshop on Student Teaching & the First Year Experience.... be sure to check out the powerpoint Mary Jasinski presented!!


Origami for Teachers

Dr. Neil Calkin from Clemson University, who has a fun and innovative approach to teaching math with origami, will be at BC South Campus to conduct 2 workshops on the subject. Both hands-on workshops are on South Campus in the library multi-purpose room on March 4.

The first session, "Playing with Paper: In-Creased Understanding of Mathematics Using Origami" (11:15am-12:15pm), is geared towards both professors and students who would like to understand how origami and math are related.

The second session, "Developing Mathematical Skills through Origami" (2:30pm-3:30pm), is geared towards professors and education majors who are interested in practical ways of using origami in the classroom.

If you get a chance you should ABSOLUTELY check out these workshops!!!! Hope to see you there!

Friday, February 19, 2010

M & M Mentor/Mentee

If you have, or are, a Mentor, please join us…
M & M
Meet- Communicate-Connect
Title V:Users:title5:Desktop:Screen shot 2010-02-05 at 9.09.17 PM.png
Monday, February 22
5:30-7 p.m.
4th floor library-room 425
Light Dinner will be served

Please RSVP to Kristyn Roth Lindsey

Friday, February 12, 2010

Student Success Workshop: Student Teaching & the First Year Experience

Join Title V Co-op for some tips on how to be a successful student and professional.

Our first Student Success Workshop will be held:

Thursday, Feb 18th
5:30pm - 7:00pm 
Bldg 17, Room 425

We will have a guest speaker from Broward County Public Schools talking about the Student Teaching Experience as well as the NESS program, which is a BCPS program for new teachers!

You don't want to miss this VALUABLE opportunity!!!

We will also have light refreshments!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mid-Week Movie: The Ron Clark Story

Mark your calendars: Time for pizza and an awesome movie "The Ron Clark story" based on a true story of a passionate and innovative teacher.

When: this Wednesday, Feb. 10th

Time: 12:00 p.m.

Where: 17/President's Dining Rm.

Monday, February 8, 2010

FAU Transfer Student EXPO

Don't miss:
FAU's Transfer
Student EXPO

When: Saturday, February 20th at 9am
Where: Davie Campus
What will I learn: You will receive in depth information about FAU Programs, admissions requirements, financial aid, and more.
How do I RSVP: Just CLICK here to RSVP.


Remember: If you're planning on transferring to FAU at anytime in the 2010/2011 school year, you should APPLY EARLY!!! March 1, 2010 is the deadline for all transfer scholarships!

Resume Development

If you missed our workshop on Resume Writing, be sure to watch Dr. Stewart's powerpoint on Resume Development below!!

Student Success: Study Skills & Time Management

If you missed last week's Student Success Workshop on Time Management and Study Skills, have no fear! We have the powerpoint right here...