
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Title V Sponsored Workshop

Title V Co-Op Grant Program - Broward College - South Campus

Proudly presents:

Mr. Tony Vincenti

“How To Make Sure You Do Not End Up On The Evening News”

Special Teacher Edition

It seems almost every time you turn on the television or open a newspaper you see a story related to a teacher being arrested.

Tony will give advice on topics ranging from the social life of teachers, rela-tionships with students, Facebook, text messages, Twitter, student discipline and more.

All you need to know as a future teacher to effectively balance work and so-cial activities while keeping a positive image.
When: Wednesday, January 20th 5:30 PM—7:00 PM

Where: South Campus Auditorium

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Resume Development

If you missed our workshop on Resume Writing, be sure to watch Dr. Stewart's powerpoint on Resume Development below!!

Student Success: Study Skills & Time Management

If you missed last week's Student Success Workshop on Time Management and Study Skills, have no fear! We have the powerpoint right here...