
Monday, February 23, 2009

Explore your hidden biases

Last Friday, some of the Title V Co-op staff were able to attend a workshop focused on the Language of Inclusion. The first workshop focused on overcoming frontstage and backstage racism in our own lives and the people around us. A second workshop focused on identifying our own biases, most of which are unconcious.

The results were very revealing! Knowing our own biases helps us realize how our words and actions can affect individuals, even without realizing it. Title V Co-op wants to share those tests with you so that you may have the opportunity to realize your hidden biases.

Just click on the link below

Select the test you wish to take. Then click on "Click Here to Begin," then "Continue," and finally, "I am ready to begin."

Just follow the instructions and see what the test says!!! Good luck, we hope this helps you uncover your HIDDEN BIASES :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Check out pictures from Monday night's M & M

Time Management Tips

For those of you weren't able to make it to our Time Management Workshop on February 12 but would still like some help or ideas about organization and managing your time...... Lisbeth Isaacs (the host of our workshop) was kind enough to send us all her tips and tricks for staying organized. These include a Multi-task calendar for 2009, quick tips for staying organized, and FABULOUS ideas for simplifying your life! She also suggested visiting the Get Organized Now website for more tips and information!
Let me know if you want any of these documents and I'll send them your way immediately!! kroth@broward.edu

Friday, February 13, 2009

M & M

If you are a part of the Title V Co-op Mentor program, or you want to be a part of it.... join us for our:

Mentor-Mentee Gathering

Meet- Communicate-Connect

February 16, 2009 -- 5:30-7:00pm
4th Floor Library, Room 425
We will enjoy a light dinner

Please RSVP to:
Kristyn Roth

Monday, February 9, 2009

Student Success Workshop: Time Management

Join us this Thursday evening for some refreshments and a discussion on Time Management.

Thursday, Feb 12

7:00 - 8:30pm

Library, 4th Floor, Room 419

Learn how to prioritize your life!!! Lisbeth Isaacs, our fabulous Title V Financial Director, will converse with students on how to make their lives easier through time management and organization. Learn how to make the most of your time and manage your busy schedules and still have some time for yourself!!! Be sure to bring your class schedule.....

We'll see you there :)

Looking for a discount on an apartment??

Check out the website: www.epmapartments.com

They offer a significant 30% discount to teachers!! You might also be able to get the discount as a member of the Title V Co-op Teacher Ed Program at the Margate location! Call and ask for Donna and mention that you were referred by a student named Dennis, and you're IN! Give them a call!!!

So..... if you're looking for a place to stay, give them a call or check out their website and see if it's right for you. If you're involved in the Title V Co-op program, we would be glad to provide a letter of your involvement! Just let us know :)

Resume Development

If you missed our workshop on Resume Writing, be sure to watch Dr. Stewart's powerpoint on Resume Development below!!

Student Success: Study Skills & Time Management

If you missed last week's Student Success Workshop on Time Management and Study Skills, have no fear! We have the powerpoint right here...