
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Math Subject Area Exam Workshops

Dear Math Education Majors,

We are preparing to have a series of subject area workshops for students who are planning on becoming Math Teachers. These workshops are highly recommended even if students are not finished with all high level college Math courses; the sessions will teach not only the subject matter, but also what to expect from the FTCE (Math 6-12) Subject Area Exam.

There will be 4 workshops, which will break down all items on the test; each session will be different.

Schedule: 9:30am - 1:30pm, Saturdays...

11/7/09 - South Campus Bldg 69, Room 124
11/14/09 - South Campus Bldg 69, Room 124
11/21/09 - South Campus Bldg 69, Room 124
12/5/09 - South Campus Bldg 72, Room 138

Please RSVP via email to mpere@broward.edu.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Interested in Mentoring?

Have you ever thought about becoming a Mentor for a Broward County student?

Here's your opportunity!!!!

Broward County's Youth Mentoring Program is looking for Mentors to pair up with a youth to meet for one hour once a week throughout the school year. Everyone benefits from mentoring relationships. Mentors will be recognized for their commitment to education, they will achieve a sense of satisfaction for making a positive difference in the world, and they will develop effective listening and problem solving skills as well as become a role model to a child.

If you're interested in becoming a mentor, click here to check out the Youth Mentoring Website

For more information, email wanda.robinson@browardschools.com

Friday, October 23, 2009


Title V Co-op would like to extend a gigantic THANK YOU to Dr. Carolyn Stewart for hosting a WONDERFUL workshop Thursday evening on Resume Writing.

Below you will find valuable information provided by Dr. Stewart about composing the perfect resume!!

Resume Guide

Resume Development PowerPoint

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

M & M

Our first M & M of the semester is coming up next Monday, Oct 26..... 5:30 - 7pm on the 4th Floor of the Library.

If you are involved in the Mentor Program, be sure to stop by Monday night for some good ole fashion fun, food, and prizes!! Mentors and Mentees, old and new, will be with us. JOIN US :)

If you're interested in becoming part of the mentor program, email Kristyn, Jennie, or Laura and we'll be happy to find you a PERFECT MENTOR.

Please RSVP to Kristyn at kroth@broward.edu
See you there!

Student Success Workshop: Resume Writing

Join us this Thursday, Oct 22 at 5pm on the 4th Floor of the Library for our workshop on Resume Writing.Learn:

* Styles of resumes
* How to get started on your resume
* Tips to make your resume stand out
* Things you can do to add to your resume
* More, more, more....

Come join us for some FABULOUS desserts and even more FANTASTIC information!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Title V Support Group

2:00pm - 4:00pm
Bldg 17 (library), Room 425
Facilitators: Marla Bennett, Ph.D. & Jennie d'Anjou, M.A.

The goal of the Title V Co-op Support Group is to provide teacher education majors at Broward College with the opportunity to address various challenges as a means to ensure personal and academic success for future educational leaders!

Every month we will explore a specific topic and issue in a supportive group environment with solution-focused resources to ameliorate common issues affecting students who are faced with challenging, real life concerns. The goal of each meeting will be to connect with one another as well as identify ways that we can improve our personal lives by eliminating stress and negativity in our daily lives and be an active agent in this change.

Please RSVP to Jennie at jdanjou@broward.edu or 954-201-6641

Transitions to FAU Workshops

Do you have questions about transferring to FAU? Are you confused about the admissions process? Financial Aid? What classes you need to take once you're accepted??

Have no fear!!
Join us for one of our Transitions to FAU Workshops:
-- Oct 7: 11am - 12pm
-- Oct 20: 3pm - 4pm
-- Nov 5: 11am - 12pm
Central Campus, FAU Bldg ES/102 (BC Bldg 52)
Representatives from Admissions, Academic Advisement (Teacher Education), and Financial Aid will be present to answer your questions about FAU, you don't want to miss it!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Stress Management Workshop

Are you stressed to the max?

Do you struggle with getting everything done that needs being done!

Well, join Title V Co-op for a couple hours of rest and relaxation as we explore tips and strategies for relieving your stress!!

Tuesday: Oct. 6, 2009

12:30pm - 2:30pm

Bldg 19/Pres. Dining Room

We will also be giving away prize journals :)

Resume Development

If you missed our workshop on Resume Writing, be sure to watch Dr. Stewart's powerpoint on Resume Development below!!

Student Success: Study Skills & Time Management

If you missed last week's Student Success Workshop on Time Management and Study Skills, have no fear! We have the powerpoint right here...