
Thursday, March 25, 2010


Did you know that 30% of high school students in the U.S. don't make it to graduation? Nearly every day 7,000 students leave schools around the country. The issues and distractions high school students deal with on a daily basis are overwhelming: family, jobs, peer pressure, studying/homework, violence in and out of the schools, extracurricular activities, teen pregnancy, and more!!

So, what can you do about it??

Visit www.boostup.org. Boostup is a website that sends encouraging messages to students to support them  in their efforts to graduate!!! It's simple and easy. Just visit the website, click on BOOST, and send a quick message of hope and encouragement to a student in need! You can also read about students in the program, statistics related to high school graduation, how you and others can make a difference in helping students graduate, and more!!


We've already sent 3 boosts in 5 minutes today.... make a difference in someone's life!!

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Resume Development

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